Publikacje opublikowane przez Zakład Fizyki Dielektryków

Pyroelectricity, thermal expansion and linear birefringence of LiGe2O15 crystal 2002
Linear birefringence and domain structure in DABCO salts, 2002
EPR studies of chromium doped dimethylammonium gallium and aluminium sulfate hexahydrate (DMAGAS and DMAAS 2002
Electron paramagnetic resonance study of the [(CH3)2NH2]5Cd3Cl11 monocrystal doped with Cu+2 ion 2002
Crystal Structure of NH3CH2COOHH2PO3 in ferroelectric phase 2002
Dielectric dispersion studies in pyridynium periodate single crystal 2002
Dilatative and refractive properties of diglycine nitrate crystals in the range of phase transition 2002
Peculiarities of dielectric relaxation in DMAAS ferroelectric crystals 2002
On the phase transitions in Cs2CdBr4: dielectric, dilatometric and optical studies 2003
Structure and phase transition of [(CH2OH)3CNH3]2SiF6 2003
Ferroelectric phase transition in hydrogen-bonded 2-aminopyridine phosphate (NC4H4NH2)*H3PO4 2003
Low-temperature phase of chromium doped dimethylammonium gallium sulfatehexahydrate studied by electron paramagnetic resonance 2003
Monodomain ferroelectric region near the factory-roof-shaped phase front, on the KD2PO4 218 K transition 2003
Crystal structure, phase transitions and ferroelastic properties of [(CH3)2NH)2]3 [Bi2Cl9] 2003
Characterization of ferroelectric phase transition in deuterated glycine phosphite crysytal (D-GPI) 2003
14N NMR study of the domain structure of tetramethylammonium cadmium chloride (TMCC) 2003
Proton ordering model of phase transitions in hydrogen bonded ferrielectric type systems: the GPI crystal 2003
Specific heat and linear birefringence behaviour of 4-amino-pyridinium tetrachloroantimonate 2003
Characterization of phase transition in new ferroelectric 2-aminopyridine crystal 2003
Structure and properties of [(CH2OH)3CNH3]H2ASO4 2003
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