Zakład Elektroniki Emisyjnej

  • G. Antczak, R. Błaszczyszyn, Diffusion of palladium on tantalum microcrystal, Acta Physica Polonica A 103 (2003) 57-65.
  • G. Antczak, R. Błaszczyszyn, T.E. Madey, Pt-induced faceting of W field emitter tips, Progress in Surface Science 74 (2003) 81-96.
  • H. Grabowska, R. Klimkiewicz, W. Tylus, P.J. Godowski, A search for reason for deactivation of alkylation iron catalyst, Applied Catalysis A 240 (2003) 111-117.
  • J. Bęben, Yu. Suchorski, Surface diffusion by adsorbate density fluctuation measurements, Progress in Surface Science 74 (2003) 3-24.
  • J. Chrzanowski, H. Teterycz, R. Klimkiewicz, Exoelectron emission from tin oxide materials, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 150 (2003) H140-H146.
  • J. Onsgaard, S. V. Hoffman, P. Moller, P.J. Godowski, J.B. Wagner, G.Paolucci, A. Baraldi, G. Comelli, A. Groso, Adsorption of CO2 on potassium-promoted Cu(115), A European journal of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry 4 (2003) 466-473.
  • P.J. Godowski, T. Ohgi, D. Fujita, Surface segregation of CoPt polycrystalline alloy, Acta Physica Polonica A 104 (2003) 35-43.
  • R. Bryl, M.S. Altman, Spin-polarized vacuum tunneling in field emission from Co-coated W(111) tips, Journal of Applied Physics 94 (2003) 4670-4675.

Zakład Fizyki Cienkich Warstw

  • F. Gołek, P. Mazur, LiF thin layers on Si(100) studied by ESD, LEED, AES and AFM, Surface Science 541 (2003) 173.

Zakład Fizyki Dielektryków

  • A. Hek, S. Dacko, Z. Czapla, R. Cach, Characterization of phase transition in new ferroelectric 2-aminopyridine crystal, Physica Status Solidi B 240 (2003) 649-654.
  • A. Waśkowska, S. Dacko, Z. Czapla, Structure and properties of [(CH2OH)3CNH3]H2ASO4, Z. Naturforsch. 58a (2003) 722-726.
  • B. Kosturek, Z. Czapla, A. Waśkowska, Structure and phase transition of [(CH2OH)3CNH3]2SiF6, Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung 58a (2003) 121-125.
  • G. Voelkel, R. Boetcher, D. Michel, Z. Czapla, Low-temperature phase of chromium doped dimethylammonium gallium sulfatehexahydrate studied by electron paramagnetic resonance, Physical Review B 67 (2003) 024111-1-14.
  • I. Stasyuk, Z. Czapla, S. Dacko, O. Velychko, Proton ordering model of phase transitions in hydrogen bonded ferrielectric type systems: the GPI crystal, Condensed Matter Physics 6 (2003) 483-498.
  • J. Bornarel, R. Cach, Monodomain ferroelectric region near the factory-roof-shaped phase front, on the KD2PO4 218 K transition, Journal of Physics.: Condensed Matter 5 (2003) 4371-4385.
  • J. Furtak, S. Dacko, Z. Czapla, Characterization of ferroelectric phase transition in deuterated glycine phosphite crysytal (D-GPI), Acta Physica Polonica A 104 (2003) 67-72.
  • J. Przesławski, B. Kosturek, R. Jakubas, Specific heat and linear birefringence behaviour of 4-amino-pyridinium tetrachloroantimonate, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Physics 15 (2003) L643-L648.
  • M. Wojtaś, G. Bator, R. Jakubas, J. Zaleski, B. Kosturek, J. Baran, Crystal structure, phase transitions and ferroelastic properties of [(CH3)2NH)2]3 [Bi2Cl9], Journal of Solid State Chemistry 173 (2003) 425-434.
  • S. Dacko, Z. Czapla, On the phase transitions in Cs2CdBr4: dielectric, dilatometric and optical studies, Acta Physica Polonica A 103 (2003) 387-392.
  • S. Mulla-Osman, D. Michel, Z. Czapla, 14N NMR study of the domain structure of tetramethylammonium cadmium chloride (TMCC), Physica Status Solidi B 236 (2003) 173-181.
  • V. Kapustianik, Z. Czapla, Yu. Eliyachevskyy, Yu. Korchak, B. Kulyk, V. Rudyk , Radiation effects in DMAAS:Cr ferroelectric crystal, Acta Phys. Pol. A 104 (2003) 571-580.
  • Z. Czapla, S. Dacko, A. Waśkowska, Ferroelectric phase transition in hydrogen-bonded 2-aminopyridine phosphate (NC4H4NH2)*H3PO4, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15 (2003) 793-803.

Zakład Fizyki Jądrowej i Dielektryków

  • B. Brzeska-Michalak, A. Ostrasz, Hydrogen effect on the electronic and structural properties of Nb-Fe alloys, Nukleonika 48 (2003) 53-57.
  • J.Chojcan, Interactions between V atoms in iron-based Fe-V solid solutions, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 350 (2003) 62-67.
  • J.Chojcan, J. Beliczyński, Thermal defects in iron-based Fe-V solid solutions, Nukleonika 48 (2003) 17-20.
  • K. Jerie, A. Baranowski, J. Gliński, J. Przybylski, Hydrophobic-like solvation in non-aqueous solutions: Positron annihilation in and compressibility of n-hexanol in ethylene glycol, 1,2-butanediol and 1,4- butanediol, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 257 (2003) 367-370.
  • M. Dębowska, J. Pigłowski, J. Rudzińska-Girulska, T. Suzuki, Z. Q. Chen, Polyamide, acrylic rubber and their blends studied by positron annihilation and other methods, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 68 (2003) 471-473.
  • M. Dębowska, J. Rudzińska-Girulska, J. Pigłowski, T. Suzuki, Cz. Ślusarczyk, Free volume studies in polyamide, acrylic rubber and their blend, Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe, 11 (2003) 120-125.
  • W. Świątkowski, Some remarks on positron/positronium diffusion models, Nukleonika 48 (2003) 141-144.

Zakład Mikrostruktury Powierzchni

  • A. Ciszewski, J. Brona, S.M. Zuber, Z. Szczudlo, Ya.B. Losovyi, Effect of substrate atomic structure on intersolubility and alloying in Pd/Nb adsorption system., Progress in Surface Science 74 (2003) 25–37
  • A. Ciszewski, J. Brona, S.M. Zuber, Z. Szczudło, Ya.B. Losovyi, Effect of substrate atomic structure on intersolubility and alloing in Pd/Nb adsorption system, Progress in Surface Science 74 (2003) 25-38.
  • A. Szczepkowicz, A. Ciszewski, Epitaxial formation of multilayer Pd-Ta surface alloy on a Ta substrate, Physica Status Solidi B 236 (2003) 23.
  • L. Markowski, Multi-peak structure of kinetic-energy distribution of Na+ desorbed from NaCl during electron irradiation, Physica Status Solidi B 239 (2003) 340-344.
  • L. Markowski, Tunneling effect in electron-stimulated desorption of Li+ from LiF/Si(100), Surface Science 528 (2003) 35-41.
  • S.M. Zuber, Z. Szczudło, A. Szczepkowicz, Ya.B. Losovyi, A. Ciszewski, STM observation of steps and terraces on tungsten (211) surface, Ultramicroscopy 95 (2003) 165-169.

Zakład Modelowania Materiałów i Procesów Powierzchniowych

  • A. Kiejna, Vacancy formation and O adsorption at the Al(111) surface, Physical Review B 68 (2003) 235405, 1-6.
  • A. Kiejna, J.M. Rogowska, Atomic interactions in adsorbed metallic layers on metals, Recent Developments in Vacuum Science and Technology , ed. by J. Dąbrowski, Research Signpost, Trivadrum (2003) 133-156.
  • I. Mróz, A model of population dynamics-further investigation, Physica A 323 (2003) 569-577.
  • V.G. Zavodinsky, A. Kiejna, Density functional study of alkali metals adsorption on the MgO(111) surface, Surface Science 538 (2003) 240-248.

Zakład Nauczania Fizyki

  • Anna Serwik-Mróz, "Nie tylko Smocza Jama...", Edukacja przyrodnicza w szkole podstawowej nr 3/4 (2003) 183-186.
  • D. Grech, Z. Mazur, Financial Stock Market Behind the Brownian Motion, in: Proceedings of the GIREP 2002 Conference „Physics in New Fields and Modern Application” August 2 – 5, Lund (2003)
  • E. Dębowska, Report on Available Multimedia Material to Lessons on Quantum Physics, Proceedings of MPTL-7 (2003)
  • L. Ryk, "Przestrzeń kulturowa Dolnego Śląska". [W:] Społeczne i ekonomiczne uwarunkowania rozwoju kultury, Wyd. Narodowe Centrum Kultury, Kraków-Warszawa (2003) 75-79.
  • M. Benedict, E. Dębowska, H.J. Jodl, (A)R. Sporken, "Criteria to Evaluate Multimedia Material", Proceedings of MPTL-8, Prague, September 2003, (2003)
  • T. Greczyło, E. Dębowska, Digital video camera and ultrasonic distance sensor examine coupled torsional and longitudinal oscillations, Proceedings of MPTL-7 (2003)
  • Tomasz Greczyl, "Video Measurement Web Page" , Proceedings of MPTL-8, Prague, September 2003, (2003)
  • Tomasz Greczyło, Strona www wspomagająca nauczanie i uczenie się z wykorzystaniem cyfrowych filmach wideo, XIX Konferencja Informatyka w szkole, 10-13.09.2003 (2003) 290-291.

Zakład Spektroskopii Elektronowej

  • A. Krupski, S. Mróz, LEED investigation of the Pb and Sb ultrathin layers deposited on the Ni(111) face at T=150-900 K, Surface Review and Letters 10 (2003) 1-6.
  • A. Krupski, S. Mróz, Properties of ultrathin Sb layers on the Ni(111) face, Surface Review and Letters 10 (2003) 65-72.
  • M. Kulawik, T.P. Peorl, M. Nowicki, G. Thielsch, L. Cramer, H.-P. Rust, H.-J. Freund, P.S. Weiss, A double lamellae dropoff etching procedure for tungsten tips attached to tunning fork atomic force micsroscopy/scanning tunneling miscroscopy, Review of Scientific Instruments, 74 (2003) 1027-1030.
  • M. Nowicki, Zastosowanie efektów dyfrakcyjnych elektronów pierwotnych i wtórnych w badaniach strukturalnych, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław (2003) .
  • M. Nowicki, A. Emundts, H.P. Bonzel, 3D equilibrium crystal shapes of Pb: the significance of step-resolved images, Progress in Surface Science 74 (2003) 123-140.
  • M. Nowicki, C. Bombis, A. Emundts, H.P. Bonzel, Absolute step and kink formation energies of Pb derived from step roughening of two-dimensional island and facets, Physical Review B 67 (2003) 075405.1-4.
  • S. Mróz, M. Nowicki, A. Krupski, Directional elastic peak electron spectroscopy: theoretical description and review of applications,, Progress in Surface Science 74 (2003) 109-122.

Zakład Spektroskopii Emisji Polowej

  • F. Gołek, ESD Thresholds for KCl, (2003), Physica Status Solidi B 239 (2003) 336-339.
  • F. Gołek, P. Mazur, LiF thin layers on Si(100) studied by ESD, LEED, AES and AFM, Surface Science 541 (2003) 173.
  • R. Szukiewicz, J. Kołaczkiewicz, Faceting of the Ta(111) surface covered by thin films of Pd, Surface Science Letters 547 (2003) L837-L839.

Zakład Teorii Powierzchni

  • B. Brzostowski, R. Kucharczyk, Effect of Γ-X interband mixing on the surface electronic structure of GaAs/AlAs superlattices, Physical Review B 67 (2003) 125305.
  • D. Farías, W. Kamiński, J. Lobo, J. Ortega, E. Hulpke, R. Pérez, F. Flores, E.G. Michel, Phonon softening, chaotic motion, and order-disorder transition in Sn/Ge(111), Physical Review Letters 91 (2003) 016103.
  • L. Jurczyszyn, Influence of the interorbital interference on the electron tunnelling in scanning tunnelling microscopy, Acta Physica Polonica A 104 (2003) 217-229.
  • L. Jurczyszyn, Influence of interorbital interference on tunnelling process in STM, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 53 (2003) 19-26.
  • L. Jurczyszyn, A. Rosenhahn, J. Schneider, C. Becker, K. Wandelt, Formation of STM images of Ni3Al(001) and (111) surfaces, Physical Review B 68 (2003) 115425.
  • L. Jurczyszyn, B. Stankiewicz, Inter-orbital interference in STM tip during electron tunneling in tip-sample system: influence on STM images, Progress in Surface Science 74 (2003) 185.

Zakład Zastosowań Fizyki Powierzchni

  • J.J. Czyżewski, J. Krajniak, Spectral analysis of the low energy Auger emission from a (0001) ruthenium surface, Applied Surface Science 211 (2003) 227-235.
  • J.J. Czyżewski, J. Krajniak, Efficiency of the secondary emission from a (001) surface, Vacuum 68 (2003) 297-301.