Zakład Elektroniki Emisyjnej

  • K. Idczak, P. Mazur, S. Zuber, L. Markowski, M. Skiścim, S. Bilińska, Growth of thin zirconium and zirconium oxides films on the n-GaN(0 0 0 1) surface studied by XPS and LEED., Applied Surface Science 304 (2014) 29-34
  • Marta Skiścim, Sylwia Bilińska, Karolina Idczak, Leszek Markowski, Low coverage Si(1 1 1)√7 ×√3–In reconstruction: Deposition rate effect, Applied Surface Science 304 (2014) 103-106
  • Przemysław Godowski, Jens Onsgaard, Low temperature adsorption of CO on modified, vicinal Cu(100)surfaces: A comparative study., Chinese Journal of Catalysis 35 Vol. 2 (2014) 255-259
  • Rafał Idczak , Karolina Idczak, Robert Konieczny , Oxidation and surface segregation of chromium in Fe–Cr alloys studied by Mössbauer and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Journal of Nuclear Materials 452 (2014) 141–146
  • W. Czupryk, A. Grzeszczak, M. Pisarek, Study of CuO admixtures as antiwear additive in Machine Grease-2, Tribology 154-158 8 (2014) 154-158

Zakład Fizyki Dielektryków

  • B. Staśkiewicz, I. Turowska-Tyrk, J. Baran, Cz. Górecki, Z. Czapla, Structural characterization, thermal, vibrational properties and molecular motions in perovskite-type diaminopropanetetrachlorocadmate NH3(CH2)3NH3CdCl4 crystal, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 75 (2014) 1305-1317
  • Beata Staśkiewicz, Wojciech Krasiński, On approximate mathematical modeling of the vapor–liquid coexistence curves by the Van der Waals equation of state and non-classical value of the critical exponent, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 52 (2014) 6-22
  • D. Podsiadła, O. Czupiński, D. Dudzic, Z. Czapla, Vibrational Spectroscopic Properties of a [C(NH2)3]4Cl2SO4 Ferroelectric Crystal - An Experimental and Theoretical Study, Acta Physica Polonica A 125 (2014) 115-127
  • J. Przeslawski, Z. Czapla, Linear Birefringence in Diisopropylammonium Bromide Crystal, Ferroelecrics 462 (2014) 70-73
  • K. Matyjasek, Z. Czapla, Dynamical Property of Domain Walls of Deuterated Glycine Phosphite in The Vicinity of Phase Transition, Ferroelectrics 462 (2014) 28-32
  • P. Staniorowski, Some optical properties and ferroelastic domain structure kinetics of Cs2CdBr4 crystal. , Phase Transitions 87(1) (2014) 29-37

Zakład Fizyki Jądrowej i Dielektryków

  • N. Abgrall, ... R. Idczak, et al., NA61/SHINE facility at the CERN SPS: beams and detector system, Journal of Instrumentation 9 (2014) P06005
  • N. Abgrall, ... R. Idczak, et al., Measurements of production properties of K0S mesons and lambda hyperons in proton-carbon interactions at 31 GeV/c , Physical Review C 89 (2014) 025205
  • N. Abgrall, ... R. Idczak, et al., Measurement of negatively charged pion spectra in inelastic p+p interactions at plab = 20, 31, 40, 80 and 158 GeV/c, The European Physical Journal C 74 (2014) 2794
  • R. Idczak, R. Konieczny, Behaviour of vacancies in dilute Fe–Re alloys: a positron annihilation study, Applied Physics A 117 (2014) 1785–1789
  • R. Idczak, R. Konieczny, J. Chojcan, A study of defects in iron-based binary alloys by the Moessbauer and positron annihilation spectroscopies , Journal of Applied Physics 115 (2014) 103513
  • Rafał Idczak , Karolina Idczak, Robert Konieczny , Oxidation and surface segregation of chromium in Fe–Cr alloys studied by Mössbauer and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Journal of Nuclear Materials 452 (2014) 141–146
  • Rafał Idczak, Robert Konieczny, Jan Chojcan , A study of dilute Fe-Os alloys by 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy, Physica B. 437 (2014) 4-9

Zakład Fizyki Nanostruktur

  • F. Gołek, P. Mazur, Z. Ryszka, S. Zuber, AFM image artifacts, Applied Surface Science 304 (2014) 11–19

Zakład Mikrostruktury Powierzchni

  • Artur Trembułowicz, Leszek Jurczyszyn, Zbigniew Szczudlo, Antoni Ciszewski, Ordered surface-alloys formation in the Zr/W(100) adsorption system, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 612 (2014) 195–203
  • F. Gołek, P. Mazur, Z. Ryszka, S. Zuber, AFM image artifacts, Applied Surface Science 304 (2014) 11–19
  • Iwona Mróz, Tutoring oksfordzki – eksperyment dydaktyczny na polskiej uczelni wyższej, E-edukacja w praktyce – wyzwania i bariery (2014) 44-51
  • Iwona Mróz, In search of factors influencing protein hardness, In: Current topics in quantum biology (2014) 95-103
  • K. Idczak, P. Mazur, S. Zuber, L. Markowski, M. Skiścim, S. Bilińska, Growth of thin zirconium and zirconium oxides films on the n-GaN(0 0 0 1) surface studied by XPS and LEED., Applied Surface Science 304 (2014) 29-34
  • Katarzyna Lament, Wojciech Kamiński, Piotr Mazur, Stefan Zuber, Antoni Ciszewski, Molecular recognition of PTCDI–C8 molecules on the Si(1 1 0)–(16 × 2) surface, Applied Surface Science 304 (2014) 50–55
  • L. Jurczyszyn, G. Antczak, Motion of small cross-channel clusters on W(2 1 1) surface: A density functional theory study, Applied Surface Science 299 (2014) 146-155
  • M. Grodzicki, P. Mazur, J. Pers, S. Zuber, A. Ciszewski, Sb Layers on p-GaN:UPS, XPS and LEED Study, Acta Physica Polonica A 126 (2014) 1128
  • M. Grodzicki, P. Mazur, S. Zuber, J. Brona, A. Ciszewski, Oxidation of GaN(0001) by low-energy ion bombardment., Applied Surface Science 304 (2014) 20–23
  • M. Grodzicki, P. Mazur, S. Zuber, J. Pers, A. Ciszewski, Pd/GaN(0001) interface properties, Materials Science-Poland 32(2) (2014) 252-256
  • M. Grodzicki, P. Mazur, S. Zuber, J. Pers, J. Brona, A. Ciszewski, Effect of annealing on Ni/GaN(0 0 0 1) contact morphology, Applied Surface Science 304 (2014) 24-28
  • M. Kurnatowska, W. Mista, P. Mazur, L. Kępiński, Nanocrystalline Ce1−xRuxO2– Microstructure, stability and activity in CO and soot oxidation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 148-149 (2014) 123-135
  • M. Mazur, J. Domaradzki, D. Wojcieszak, D. Kaczmarek, P. Mazur, Investigation of physicochemical properties of (Ti-V)Ox (4.3 at.% of V) functional thin films and their possible application in the field of transparent electronics, Applied Surface Science 304 (2014) 73-80
  • Miłosz Grodzicki, Szymon Adam, Wyznaczanie prędkości dźwięku w powietrzu przy użyciu karty muzycznej komputera, Aparatura Badawcza i Dydaktyczna 4 (2014) 333-340
  • P. Mazur, S. Zuber, M. Grodzicki, A. Ciszewski, AFM/STM Modification of Thin Sb Films on 6H-SiC(0001), Acta Physica Polonica A 126 (2014) 1131
  • T. Olewicz, G. Antczak, L. Jurczyszyn, J. W. Lyding, G. Ehrlich, Coexistence of two diffusion mechanisms: W on W(100), Physical Review B 89 (2014) 235408

Zakład Modelowania Materiałów i Procesów Powierzchniowych

  • A. Kiejna, Work function of metals, Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineernig (2014)
  • M. Sznajder, E. Wachowicz, J. A. Majewski, Ab initio studies of early stages of nitride growth process on silicon carbide, Journal of Crystal Growth 401 (2014) 25-29
  • Rafael L. H. Freire, Adam Kiejna, Juarez L. F. Da Silva , Adsorption of Rh, Pd, Ir, and Pt on the Au(111) and Cu(111) Surfaces: A Density Functional Theory Investigation, J. Phys. Chem. C 118 (2014) 19051-19061
  • Tomasz Pabisiak, Adam Kiejna, Fe adsorption on hematite (α-Fe2O3) (0001) and magnetite (Fe3O4) (111) surfaces, Journal Of Chemical Physics 141 (2014) 134707

Zakład Spektroskopii Elektronowej

  • K. Krupski, T. Kobiela, A. Krupski, Growth Morphology of Ultrathin Pb Layers on Ni(001) , Acta Physica Polonica A 125 (2014) 1159-1162
  • Aleksander Krupski, Growth morphology of thin films on metallic and oxide surfaces., Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26 (2014) 053001
  • Baharan Karamzadeh, Thomas Eaton, Izabela Cebula, David Munoz Torres, Markus Neuburger, Marcel Mayor, Manfred Buck, Bestowing structure upon the pores of a supramolecular network, Chemical Communications 50 (2014) 14175
  • Bo Ciao, Timothy L. Easun, Amarajothi Dhakshinamoorthy, Izabela Cebula, Peter H. Beton, Jeremy J. Titman, Hermenegildo Garcia, K. Mark Thomas, Martin Schroeder, Porous macromolecular dihydropyridyl frameworks exhibiting catalytic and halochromic activity, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (2014) 19889
  • Katarzyna Miśków, Aleksander Krupski, Klaus Wandelt, Growth morphology of Pb films on Ni3Al(111). , Vacuum 101 (2014) 71-78
  • M. Jurczyszyn, A. Miszczuk, I. Morawski, I. Zasada, M. Nowicki, Investigation of surface termination by directional elastic peak electron spectroscopy: Experiment and theory, Materials Characterization 93 (2014) 94-101
  • M. Jurczyszyn, R. Topolnicki, M. Nowicki, R. Kucharczyk, Structural properties of ultrathin Pb layers on Ru(0 0 0 1) revealed by LEED, AES and DFT, Applied Surface Science 311 (2014) 426-434
  • Thanh Hai Phan, Klaus Wandelt, Molecular Ordering at electrified interfaces, Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 10 (2014) 2243 - 2254
  • Thanh Hai Phan, Klaus Wandelt, Molecular self-assembly at metal-electrolyte interfaces. , International Journal of Molecular Sciences 14(3) (2014) 4498 - 4524
  • Thanh Hai Phan, Stephan Breuer, Uwe Hahn, Cuc Thanh Pham, Tomás Torres, Klaus Wandelt, Unusual demetalation and ordered adsorption of pyridine-appended zinc phthalocyanine at metal-electrolyte interfaces studied by in situ scanning tunneling microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118(1) (2014) 2014

Zakład Teorii Powierzchni

  • A Puchalska, L. Jurczyszyn, B. Stankiewicz, M.W. Radny, Isolated benzene and dichlorobenzene on the Ge(1 0 0)-c(4 x 2) surface, Applied Surface Science 304 (2014) 96-102
  • Artur Trembułowicz, Leszek Jurczyszyn, Zbigniew Szczudlo, Antoni Ciszewski, Ordered surface-alloys formation in the Zr/W(100) adsorption system, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 612 (2014) 195–203
  • B. Pieczyrak, L. Jurczyszyn, Influence of C-defect at Si(0 0 1) surface on the adsorption of Al, Ag and Pb atoms, Applied Surface Science 304 (2014) 91–95
  • B. Stankiewicz, P. Mikołajczyk, Alkali metal adsorption on Ge(0 0 1)-c(2 × 4) surface: 0.25 monolayer of Na, K, Rb and Cs., Applied Surface Science 301 (2014) 112-118
  • Katarzyna Lament, Wojciech Kamiński, Piotr Mazur, Stefan Zuber, Antoni Ciszewski, Molecular recognition of PTCDI–C8 molecules on the Si(1 1 0)–(16 × 2) surface, Applied Surface Science 304 (2014) 50–55
  • L. Jurczyszyn, G. Antczak, Motion of small cross-channel clusters on W(2 1 1) surface: A density functional theory study, Applied Surface Science 299 (2014) 146-155
  • M. Jurczyszyn, R. Topolnicki, M. Nowicki, R. Kucharczyk, Structural properties of ultrathin Pb layers on Ru(0 0 0 1) revealed by LEED, AES and DFT, Applied Surface Science 311 (2014) 426-434
  • R. Topolnicki, R. Kucharczyk, Electronic properties of experimentally observed Pb/Ru(0 0 0 1) adsorbate structures: A DFT study , Applied Surface Science 304 (2014) 115–121
  • T. Olewicz, G. Antczak, L. Jurczyszyn, J. W. Lyding, G. Ehrlich, Coexistence of two diffusion mechanisms: W on W(100), Physical Review B 89 (2014) 235408