Zakład Elektroniki Emisyjnej

  • R. Idczak, K. Idczak, R. Konieczny, Fe0.88Cr0.12 and Fe0.85Cr0.15 alloys exposed to air at 870 K studied by TMS, CEMS and XPS , Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 528 (2018) 27–36
  • Rafał Idczak, Karolina Idczak, Robert Konieczny, Corrosion of Polycrystalline Fe-Si Alloys Studied by TMS, CEMS, and XPS , Corrosion 74(6) (2018) 623-634
  • Sten V. Lambeets, Cédric Barroo, Sylwia Owczarek, Norbert Kruse, Thierry Visart de Bocarmé, Subsurface Oxygen Formation during H2 Oxidation over Rh, Pt and Pt-Rh Model Nanoparticles, MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS 24 (2018) 1948-1949
  • Sylwia Owczarek, Sten V. Lambeets, Cédric Barroo, Robert Bryl, Leszek Markowski, Thierry Visart de Bocarmé, Oxygen Assisted Morphological Changes of Pt Nanosized Crystals., Topics in Catalysis 61 (12–13) (2018) 1313–1322
  • Wojciech Kamiński, Leszek Markowski – współautorzy tłumaczenia i kulturowej adaptacji podręcznika, Fizyka dla szkół wyższych, Katalyst Education, OpenStax Polska, ISBN-13 978-83-948838-0-5, link do podręcznika: (2018)

Zakład Fizyki Dielektryków

  • B. Andriyevsky, Z. Czapla, D. Podsiadła, Manifestations of structural phase transition in ab initio molecular dynamics of (C3N2H5)2SbF5 crystal, Materials Chemistry and Physics 205 (2018) 452-461
  • Janusz Przesławski, Zbigniew Czapla, Matthew Crofton, Sławomir Dacko, On the “inverted” phase transitions in ferroic crystals containing propylenediammonium cations, FERROELECTRICS 534 (2018) 220–227
  • Monika K. Krawczyk, Adam Ingram, Ryszard Cach, Zbigniew Czapla, Olaf Czupiński, Sławomir Dacko, Piotr Staniorowski, Unusual structural phase transition in [N(C2H5)4][N(CH3)4][ZnBr4], Phase Transitions, 91 (2018) 356–369
  • P. Mazur, J. Sito, M. Grodzicki, K. Lament, M. Crofton, A. Ciszewski , Influence of ionic interfacial layers on electronic properties of Alq3/Si(100) interface, Surface and Interface Analysis 50 (2018) 623–627
  • V. Kapustianyk, P. Yonak, V. Rudyk, Z. Czapla, D. Podsiadła, Yu. Eliyashevskyy, A. Kozdraś, P. Demchenko, R. Serkiz, Manifestation of phase transitions in the crystal field spectra of [(CH3)2CHNH3]4Cd3Cl10:Cu crystals, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 121 (2018) 210–218

Zakład Fizyki Jądrowej i Dielektryków

  • Rafał Idczak, Robert Konieczny, The Effect of Cr and Si Additions on the High-Temperature Atmospheric Corrosion of Fe–Ni Alloys: A Transmission Mössbauer Spectroscopy Study, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A 134 No.6 (2018) 1137 - 1143
  • R. Idczak, K. Idczak, R. Konieczny, Fe0.88Cr0.12 and Fe0.85Cr0.15 alloys exposed to air at 870 K studied by TMS, CEMS and XPS , Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 528 (2018) 27–36
  • R. Konieczny, J. Chojcan, Thermodynamic Properties of Dilute Fe–Ge Alloys Studied by the 57Fe Mössbauer Spectroscopy,, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A 134 No.5 (2018) 1053-1057
  • Rafał Idczak , High-Temperature Atmospheric Corrosion of Fe-Cr-Si Alloys Studied by Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Corrosion 74 (10) (2018) 1083-1092
  • Rafał Idczak, Karolina Idczak, Robert Konieczny, Corrosion of Polycrystalline Fe-Si Alloys Studied by TMS, CEMS, and XPS , Corrosion 74(6) (2018) 623-634

Zakład Fizyki Materiałów i Procesów Powierzchniowych

  • A. Kiejna, T. Ossowski, Water Adsorption on bcc Iron Surfaces, Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry 2 (2018) 298-303
  • Agata Sabik, Franciszek Gołek, Grażyna Antczak, Thermal desorption and stability of cobalt phthalocyanine on Ag(100)., Applied Surface Science 435 (2018) 894–902
  • Agata Sabik, Piotr Mazur, Franciszek Gołek, Artur Trembułowicz, and Grażyna Antczak , Phthalocyanine arrangements on Ag(100): From pure overlayers of CoPc and F16CuPc to bimolecular heterostructure , Journal of Chemical Physics 149 (2018) 144702
  • Katarzyna Gas, Jarosław Z. Domagala, Rafał Jakiela, Gerd Kunert, Piotr Dłużewski, Edyta Piskorska-Hommel, Wojciech Paszkowicz, Dariusz Sztenkiel, Maciej J. Winiarski, Dorota Kowalska, Rafał Szukiewicz, Tomasz Baraniecki, Andrzej Miszczuk, Detlef Hommel, Maciej Sawicki , Impact of substrate temperature on magnetic properties of plasmaassisted molecular beam epitaxy grown (Ga,Mn)N, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 747 (2018) 946-959
  • Mikołaj Lewandowski, Tomasz Pabisiak, Natalia Michalak, Zygmunt Miłosz, Višnja Babačić, Ying Wang, M. Hermanowicz, Krisztián Palotás, Stefan Jurga, Adam Kiejna, On the Structure of Ultrathin FeO Films on Ag(111), NANOMATERIALS 8 (10) (2018) 828, 1-19
  • Rafael L. H. Freire, Diego Guedes-Sobrinho, Adam Kiejna, Juarez L. F. Da Silva, Comparison of the Performance of van der Waals Dispersion Functionals in the Description of Water and Ethanol on Transition Metal Surfaces , Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (2018) 1577−1588
  • Tomasz Ossowski, Juarez L. F. Da Silva, Adam Kiejna , Water adsorption on the stoichiometric and defected Fe(110) surfaces., Surface Science 668 (2018) 144–149 668 (2018) 144–149

Zakład Mikrostruktury Powierzchni

  • A. Trembułowicz, G. Antczak, Surface Diffusion in Atomic Scale., Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry vol. 2 (2018) 240-250
  • Agata Sabik, Franciszek Gołek, Grażyna Antczak, Thermal desorption and stability of cobalt phthalocyanine on Ag(100)., Applied Surface Science 435 (2018) 894–902
  • Agata Sabik, Piotr Mazur, Franciszek Gołek, Artur Trembułowicz, and Grażyna Antczak , Phthalocyanine arrangements on Ag(100): From pure overlayers of CoPc and F16CuPc to bimolecular heterostructure , Journal of Chemical Physics 149 (2018) 144702
  • Andrzej Szczepkowicz, Electron dynamics in grating-type dielectric laser accelerators: Particle transfer function, generalized acceleration/deflection gradients and Panofsky – Wenzel theorem, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 909 (2018) 217-220
  • B. Kos, M. Grodzicki , R. Wasielewski, Electronic system for the complex measurement of a Wilberforce pendulum , European Journal of Physics 39 (2018) 035804
  • Grażyna Antczak, XXI Dolnośląski Festiwal Nauki za nami, Przegląd Uniwersytecki 4 (2018) 12-15
  • J. Brona, I. Morawski, M. Nowicki, R. Kucharczyk, Structure and energetics of ultrathin Cu adlayers on Ru(1 0 -1 0), Applied Surface Science 454 (2018) 319–326
  • Katarzyna Gas, Jarosław Z. Domagala, Rafał Jakiela, Gerd Kunert, Piotr Dłużewski, Edyta Piskorska-Hommel, Wojciech Paszkowicz, Dariusz Sztenkiel, Maciej J. Winiarski, Dorota Kowalska, Rafał Szukiewicz, Tomasz Baraniecki, Andrzej Miszczuk, Detlef Hommel, Maciej Sawicki , Impact of substrate temperature on magnetic properties of plasmaassisted molecular beam epitaxy grown (Ga,Mn)N, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 747 (2018) 946-959
  • M. Grodzicki, P. Mazur, A. Ciszewski, Changes of electronic properties of p-GaN(0 0 0 1) surface after lowenergy N+-ion bombardment , Applied Surface Science 440 (2018) 547–552
  • M. Grodzicki, P. Mazur, A. Krupski, A. Ciszewski, Studies of early stages of Mn/GaN(0001) interface formation using surface-sensitive techniques , Vacuum 153 (2018) 12-16
  • P. Mazur, J. Sito, M. Grodzicki, K. Lament, M. Crofton, A. Ciszewski , Influence of ionic interfacial layers on electronic properties of Alq3/Si(100) interface, Surface and Interface Analysis 50 (2018) 623–627
  • P. V. Galiy, P. Mazur, A. Ciszewski, T. M. Nenchuk, I. R. Yarovets, O. R. Dveriy, Structural Aspect of Formation of a Nanosystem of In/In4Se3 (100) , Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol. 40 No 10 (2018) 1349–1358
  • P.V. Galiy, T.M. Nenchuk, O.R. Dveriy A. Ciszewski, P. Mazur, Study of Self-assembled 2D Ag Nanostructures Intercalated into In4Se3Layered Semiconductor , Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE 8th International Conference on Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties (NAP-2018) (2018) 02CBM02-1 02CBM
  • P.V. Galiy, V.I. Vasil'tsiv, A.P. Luchechko, P. Mazur, T.M. Nenchuk, O.V. Tsvetkova, R. Yarovets, Elemental-phase and Structural Investigations of the Polycrystalline Surfaces of β-Ga2O3- SnO2 System Compounds , Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics 10 No 5 (2018) 05039
  • S.A. Surma, J. Brona and A. Ciszewski, Electron Work Functions of (H K L)-Surfaces of W, Re, and Cu Crystals, Materials Science-Poland 36 (2018) 225–234

Zakład Nauczania Fizyki

  • Krzysztof Błaszczak, Joanna Borgensztajn, Tomasz Greczyło, Anna Kosowska, Tomasz Nowacki, Grażyna Skirmuntt, , SCENARIUSZE lekcji przedmiotów przyrodniczych w ośmioletniej szkole podstawowej, Ośrodek Rozwoju Edukacji, ISBN 978-83-66047-02-0, Warszawa 2018 (2018)
  • Marek Thomas, Tomasz Greczyło, Wyzwania przyszłości - Uwagi i refleksje współautorów podstawy programowej z fizyki dla różnych typów szkół i etapów kształcenia, Refleksje 3 (2018) 52-60

Zakład Spektroskopii Elektronowej

  • K. Wandelt, Interaction of chloride anions with copper surfaces, Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry 2.1 (2018) 166
  • A. Miszczuk, I. Morawski, M. Jurczyszyn, M. Nowicki, Properties of Pt on Cu(111) revealed by AES, LEED, and DEPES., Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 223 (2018) 29-36
  • B. Madry, M. Nowicki, K. Wandelt, Sulfate Adsorption on Copper: From upd to Bulk Copper on Au(111), Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry 5 (2018) 281-291
  • B. Madry, I. Morawski, T. Kosmala, K. Wandelt, M. Nowicki, Porphyrin Layers at Cu/Au(111 )–Electrolyte Interfaces: In Situ EC-STM Study, Topics in Catalysis 61 (2018) 1335-1349
  • J. Brona, I. Morawski, M. Nowicki, R. Kucharczyk, Structure and energetics of ultrathin Cu adlayers on Ru(1 0 -1 0), Applied Surface Science 454 (2018) 319–326
  • M. Jurczyszyn, A. Miszczuk, I. Morawski, M. Nowicki, Structural Investigations by Means of Directional Elastic Peak Electron Spectroscopy, Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry 1 (2018) 496–508
  • M. Nowicki, K. Wandelt, Electrochemical Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry 1 (2018) 108-128
  • S.K. Dora, K. Koch, W. Barthlott, K. Wandelt, Kinetics of solvent supported tubule formation of Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) Wax on HOPG investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy, Beilstein  J. Nanotechnology 9 (2018) 468-481
  • T. Kosmala, M. Blanco, G. Granozzi, K. Wandelt, Potential Driven Non-Reactive Phase Transitions of Ordered Porphyrin Molecules on Iodine Modified Au(100): An Electrochemical Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (EC-STM) Study, Surfaces 1 (2018) 12-28
  • T.D. Pham, C. Zoerlein, K. Gentz, M. Röefzaad, M .Saracino, P. Broekmann, K. Wandelt, Molecular Self-assembly: Viologen layers at copper/electrolyte interfaces, Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry 4.1 (2018) 120

Zakład Teorii Powierzchni

  • A. Racis , L. Jurczyszyn, M.W. Radny, Interaction of a single acetophenone molecule with group III-IV elements mediated by Si(001)., Surface Science 669 (2018) 169–175
  • J. Brona, I. Morawski, M. Nowicki, R. Kucharczyk, Structure and energetics of ultrathin Cu adlayers on Ru(1 0 -1 0), Applied Surface Science 454 (2018) 319–326
  • R. Topolnicki, R. Kucharczyk, Early stages of growth of Pb, Sn and Ge on Ru(0001): A comparative density functional theory study, Thin Solid Films 665 (2018) 123–130
  • W. Koczorowski, T. Grzela, A. Puchalska, M.W. Radny, L. Jurczyszyn, S.R. Schofield, R. Czajka, N.J. Curson, Higher order reconstructions of the Ge(001) surface induced by a Ba layer., Applied Surface Science 435 (2018) 438–443
  • Wojciech Kamiński, Leszek Markowski – współautorzy tłumaczenia i kulturowej adaptacji podręcznika, Fizyka dla szkół wyższych, Katalyst Education, OpenStax Polska, ISBN-13 978-83-948838-0-5, link do podręcznika: (2018)