dr hab. Robert Bryl

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Login: rbryl
E-mail: login@ifd.uni.wroc.pl


Data: Cze 26, 2012
Osoba: Robert Bryl


  • Tomasz Greczyło, Robert Bryl ,Physics didactics course for future teachers in the MS TEAMS environment,Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2297 (2022) 012001,1-5
  • Sylwia Owczarek, Sten V. Lambeets, Robert Bryl, Cédric Barroo, Olivier Croquet, Leszek Markowski, Thierry Visart de Bocarmé,Oxygen Adsorption, Subsurface Oxygen Layer Formation and Reaction with Hydrogen on Surfaces of a Pt–Rh Alloy Nanocrystal,TOPICS IN CATALYSIS 63 (2020) 1522-1531
  • Sylwia Owczarek, Sten V. Lambeets, Cédric Barroo, Robert Bryl, Leszek Markowski, Thierry Visart de Bocarmé,Oxygen Assisted Morphological Changes of Pt Nanosized Crystals.,Topics in Catalysis 61 (12–13) (2018) 1313–1322
  • Robert Bryl, Bartłomiej Lechowski,Changes of morphology of tungsten microsized monocrystal induced by Pt submonolayer,Vacuum 91 (2013) 41-46.
  • Robert Bryl, Tomasz Olewicz, Thierry Visart de Bocarmé, Norbert Kruse,Thermal Faceting of Clean and Oxygen-Covered Ir Nanocrystals 2761-2768,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (2011) 2761-2768.
  • Robert Bryl,Warsztaty "High-Field Nanoscience Workshop", Wrocław 2010 ,Postępy Fizyki Tom 62, zeszyt3 (2011) str.130.
  • Robert Bryl, Tomasz Olewicz, Thierry Visart de Bocarmé, Norbert Kruse, Oxygen-Induced Thermal Faceting of Pd Nanosized Crystals., J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (2010) 2220-2226.
  • R. Bryl, R. Błaszczyszyn,Diffusion and desorption of submonolayer platinum deposited on the multi-faceted surface of a tungsten micro-crystal,Applied Surface Science 253 (2007) 6096-6102.
  • R. Bryl, A. Szczepkowicz,The influence of the oxygen exposure on the thermal faceting of W[1 1 1] tip,Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 8526-8532.
  • A. Szczepkowicz, R. Bryl,Observation of vertex-rounding transition for a crystal in equilibrium: Oxygen-covered tungsten,Physical Review B 71, 113416 (2005) 1-4.
  • R. Bryl, A. Szczepkowicz,A method of microtip fabrication based on oxygen induced faceting,Applied Surface Science 241 (2005) 431-434.
  • A. Szczepkowicz, A. Ciszewski, R. Bryl, Cz. Oleksy, C.-H. Nien, Q. Wu, T. E. Madey,A comparison of adsorbate-induced faceting on flat and curved crystal surfaces ,Surface Science 599 (2005) 55-68.
  • A. Szczepkowicz, R. Bryl,From hill-and-valley faceting to global faceting of a crystal: oxygen-covered tungsten,Surface Science 559 (2004) L169-L172.*
  • R. Bryl, M.S. Altman,Spin-polarized vacuum tunneling in field emission from Co-coated W(111) tips,Journal of Applied Physics 94 (2003) 4670-4675.